
Why is Powys a good place to live?

Powys is a stunning county that offers beautiful scenery and spectacular landscapes with green open spaces and vibrant market towns. The county has excellent theatres, a vibrant Welsh cultural heritage, thriving arts and artisan scenes. Powys is home to some fantastic events.

Average House Price

Detached – £372,237

Semi-detached – £204,738

Terraced- £167,729

Flats – £93,820

Powys in the last 12 months is £269,922.

Average rent for housing association 2 bed house – £100.11

Social housing houses – 8,871

Average household size – 2.20

58,345 households in Powys

Health in Powys

48.6% of Powys residents described their health as “very good”, increasing from 46.9% in 2011. Those describing their health as “good” fell from 33.9% to 33.5%. These are age-standardised proportions.

Garreg ddu dam, Elan Valley
Craig Goch, Elan Valley
Dyfi Bridge, Machynlleth