Newtown (occasionally Lampeter and Aberystwyth)
£5k per annum, plus expenses
Closing date:
12 Noon on Monday 8th July
Job Ref:

Recruitment timetable

Closing Date
12 Noon on Monday 8th July
Short Listing
12th July
Final Panel
22nd July in Newtown

Associated documents


Yma yn Barcud, mae ein gwreiddiau’n ddwfn ar draws Powys, Ceredigion, Sir Gaerfyrddin a Sir Benfro ac rydym yn awyddus i wneud mwy i greu sylfeini cadarn, cartrefi gwell a chymunedau cryf. Rydym yn un o gyflogwyr mwyaf y rhanbarth ac yn grŵp tai cymunedol blaenllaw. Rydym yn dal i fuddsoddi’n gynyddol yn ein 4,100 o gartrefi fforddiadwy, ond mae gennym gynlluniau uchelgeisiol hefyd i adeiladu cartrefi carbon isel, effeithlon o ran ynni, i’w rhentu a’u prynu bob blwyddyn. At hynny, mae Barcud yn cynnig cymorth ehangach i’r bobl hynny sydd fwyaf agored i niwed, gan gynnig cymorth o ran tai, cyflogaeth a chyfleoedd datblygu ehangach.

Rydym yn chwilio am Aelod Bwrdd sydd wedi ymrwymo fel ni i gyflawni mwy ar gyfer ein cymunedau gwledig a chynnig profiad ardderchog i denantiaid. Mae yna gyfle i gynorthwyo’r busnes ymhellach drwy fyrddau ein tri is-gwmni, ac rydym yn chwilio am gydweithredwr blaengar a dynamig. Byddwch yn ymrwymo i neilltuo o leiaf un i ddau ddiwrnod y mis i’r rôl.

Byddwch yn gallu cyfrannu’n fedrus a bydd gennych arddull cadarnhaol a dymunol, a byddwch yn gallu ymgysylltu a herio’n effeithiol. Mae parodrwydd i wneud gwahaniaeth yn hollbwysig, a defnyddwyr gwasanaeth fydd ar flaen eich meddwl. Bydd arnoch angen profiad fel arweinydd strategol, a byddai’n ddymunol pe baech yn gallu gwerthfawrogi a deall diwylliant Cymru.

Mae gennym ddiddordeb arbennig mewn unigolion sydd â gwybodaeth am y gyfraith; arbenigedd ym maes cydraddoldeb, amrywiaeth a chynhwysiant; a phrofiad o ymwneud â materion digidol a gwaith cyfathrebu, marchnata ac ymgysylltu.

Mae Barcud yn sefydliad croesawgar sy’n awyddus i helpu i ddatblygu a chreu aelodau bwrdd newydd. Felly, nid oes yn rhaid bod gennych brofiad blaenorol ar lefel bwrdd cyn ymuno â Barcud, oherwydd byddech yn cael eich cefnogi a’ch mentora. Fodd bynnag, byddai profiad o ddylanwadu ar eraill, yn enwedig mewn sefyllfaoedd o newid, yn fanteisiol. Rydym yn ymfalchïo mewn creu sefydliad cynhwysol, ac mae hynny’n dechrau gyda’n Bwrdd. Byddem yn arbennig o falch o gael ceisiadau gan ymgeiswyr nad ydynt yn cael eu cynrychioli’n ddigonol ar lefel bwrdd yn ein sector ar hyn o bryd, gan gynnwys pobl o gefndir ethnig lleiafrifol, pobl LHDT+, pobl anabl a phobl sydd â phrofiad personol o fyw mewn tai cymdeithasol.

Ewch i https://join-barcud.cymru/ am fwy o wybodaeth.Os hoffech drafod y cyfle ymhellach, mae croeso i chi gysylltu â GatenbySanderson drwy ffonio Chantelle Harris ar 07384 460191, Alex Hayes ar 07586 715 843 neu Lizzie Buswell ar 0207 426 3974.


Deeply rooted across Powys, Ceredigion, Carmarthenshire and Pembrokeshire, at Barcud, we’re ambitious to do more to create firm foundations, better homes and strong communities. We are one of the largest employers in the region and the leading community-based housing group. While continuing to deliver increased investment into our 4,100 affordable homes, we also have ambitious plans to build low-carbon, energy-efficient homes to rent and buy every year. Furthermore, Barcud offers wider support for those who are most vulnerable, offering support with housing, employment and wider development.

We are seeking a Board Member who shares our commitment to delivering more for our rural communities and an excellent tenant experience. There is the opportunity to assist the business further through our three subsidiary boards and we are looking for a forward-thinking, dynamic collaborator. You will be committed to at least one to two days a month in the role.

A skilled contributor with a positive and personable style, you’ll be able to engage and challenge effectively.  A willingness to make a difference is key, with service users at the forefront of your mind.  You will need experience as a strategic leader and to hold an appreciation and understanding of the Welsh culture would be desirable.

We are particularly interested in legal knowledge, equality, diversity and inclusion expertise, digital, communications, marketing and engagement experience.

Barcud is a welcoming organisation, keen to help develop and shape new board members, so you needn’t necessarily join with prior board experience, as you would be supported and mentored, however experience of influencing others, especially in situations of change would be of benefit. We pride ourselves on creating an inclusive organisation and this starts with our board. We particularly welcome applications from candidates who are currently under-represented at board level in our sector, including people from an ethnic minority background, LGBT+ people, disabled people and people with personal experience of living in social housing.


Please visit https://join-barcud.cymru/ and if you wish to discuss the opportunity further, please contact GatenbySanderson via Chantelle Harris on 07384 460191, Alex Hayes on 07586 715 843 or Lizzie Buswell on 0207 426 3974.

To view the job description and person specification, please scroll to the bottom of the page, tick to agree to the privacy policy, then click 'Continue to full details'.

Further info

Dylech ymgeisio am y rôl drwy wefan GatenbySanderson (www.gatenbysanderson.com) drwy gyflwyno CV wedi’i ddiweddaru a datganiad ategol erbyn canol dydd, ddydd Llun 8 Gorffennaf.

Please apply for the role via the GatenbySanderson website (www.gatenbysanderson.com), with an up-to-date CV and supporting statement by noon on Monday 8th July.

How to Apply

  • Please submit your CV along with a Supporting Statement addressing the person specification criteria, evidencing how you meet the criteria.
  • Detail any employment or education gaps.
  • Be ready to provide the names, positions, organisations and contact details for two referees; one should be your current or most recent employer. Referees will be contacted for those proceeding to final stages. We will always gain your permission before we contact referees.
  • Let us know any difficulty you may have with the indicative timetable.
  • Check that your contact details are correct before you submit.

Once you have submitted your application, you will receive an automated email confirmation. If you do not receive, please email contactus@gatenbysanderson.com

Continue to full details and application